A type of flooring that is composed of materials intended to
look like authentic wood is actually called laminate flooring. Basically, there
are two types of this flooring: one is the synthetic material and the other is
synthetic material mixed with natural ones. These types of floorings are very
durable and it does not take too much time to install or effort just to keep it
clean. If you are in Jakarta, among the most in demand laminate flooring is
jual parket, which is very economical and useful for everyone's home.
In most instances, laminate flooring is usually installed by
concrete slabs, floating planks over plywood, oriented strand board or floor
coverings. These planks will be compact once they are locked by using tongue
and groove during the installation. Most of the time, the floors are not
actually held together, rather, they are just rested on a thin pad foam. The
procedure for installing laminate flooring is actually simple. It starts with
levelling the floor first. All of the elevated spots are going to be grounded
down once the surface is uneven and all other surface depressions is needed to
be filled. There should preferably at least
1/4 " gap on the whole installation perimeter. In addition, the floor
must be installed not too close to the walls.
Checking the planks is very important to see if it has any
damage. This should be done before the installation. With this, it can
basically help eliminate the problem of removing all damaged planks by the time
they are installed. Majority of the laminate floors doesn't require glue just
to secure the tiles and planks together. But the reality is, the formation of
cracks on floorings is sometimes because of the glue that has been used. Due to
this, it is no wonder why more and more people start applying glue-less
installation of the laminate floor. This is because of the reason that
glue-less process is very easy to do and simple to understand. Other available
options are pre-glued floors, which made in factories. The good thing about
these products is that, activating it only requires water and you can use it
for the installation.
Once the floors are laid down completely, wait for at least
a time period of 3 days to dry it. This would likely help you to avoid any
moisture to build up inside the laminate and will also guarantee that no
expansion or contraction will take place on the installation. If you are in
Jakarta and looking for which type of flooring to buy and use for your home, it
will be very economical to use jual
lantai parquet. However, be sure to understand these things first before
making any sort of decision. This will be very hard to remove once it is
If you want jasa
pasang parket, follow the link.
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